Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Indonesia Independence day

Today is our Independence. I hope Indonesia will better than now.  We have to remember what Bhineka Tunggal Eka means. karena kalau kita engga ingat kita bisa bercerai berai

Ingat pepatah Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita runtuh...

Indonesia GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010


Oh my god!!!

in third grade of senior high school, I have to study hard to pass national's exan and entire university. The first time I felt bored to study. but I don't why. Nowdays, I am very enjoying every subject in school. I like to learn something

I like study math and physic. I enjoy with integral in math...

But I try to like chemical because I don't why I don't understand chemical easily for the teory.

I like chemical count problems...

But I don't want to give up with the chemical because I really want to have great score....

I want to entite good university and get scholarship..hehehhe

God please make my dream comes true

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

download drama Korea, Jepang

Kalau kalian mau download film atau Drama Jepang atau Korea pastinya bingung mau download kemana. Ujung2 nya pasti di Youtube. Kalau Dwnload di You Tube Videonya dipotong + ribet. nah bagi yang mau download Ini website. Coba aja ke website ini www.epdrama.com 

kalau mau download substitlenya di http://fansub.d-addicts.com/Querbeet 
klu mau tanya lebih lanjut contact me ok
tulis comment aja 

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

bagi kmu-kamu yang pngen ke nerusin ke luar negeri coba deh langganan ke Link ini
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