Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


wah..akhir-akhir ini sepak bola indonesia keren banget, I think that indonesia's football team is awesome...muncul idola-idola baru juga ...pastinya udah pada tau tentang irfan bachdim...siapa sih yang engga suka sama dia....hehe
temen-temen di sekolahku aja ngefans banget sma irfan...kalau aku sih jujur yah..aku suka sama firman utina, arif suyono sama okto...emang sih engga seganteng irfan,, tapi engga tau kenapa aku lebih suka mereka aja..hehe
they are so awesome....
yah semoga aja indonesia bisa jadi kuara AFF.... INDONESIA...!!! keep fighting...!!! we are support you guys....!!!!!!!! WE LOVE you..^_^
senoga menang lawan malasya ya.........!!!!!

JE entertaiment

bagi kalian fans JE , JE ngasi fasilitas buat fansnya loh......JE bakal ngirimin jadwal artis2 JE..jadwal konser, jadwal acara- acara artis JE dan lain lain... syaratnya tinggal ngisi di webnya JE aja..nanti otomatis bakal di kirimin JE kok..wkwk

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Hana Yori Dango

Berkali-kali aku nonton dorama ini, engga pernah bosen.......dari smp kelas 2 sampek sekarang sma kelas 3 . dorama yang wajib aku tonton adalah hana yori dango. dorama yang paling berkesan yaitu cuma hana yori dango dan hanakimi.....

Cerita hana yori dango ini udah dibuat berbagai version, dari version taiwan ( Meteor Garden ), versi korea (boys before flower) dan versi jepang sendiri ( hana yori dango). cerita ini based on manga alias ceritanya diambil dari komik yang berjudul " hana yori dango" dari ketiga version, masing ceritanya agak berbeda. kalau versi taiwan lebih fokus ke tao ming tse dan san chai aja. hua chei lai juga porsi nya lumayan banyak. Versi korea lebih fokus ke jan dhi, Ji hoo dan goo joon pyo. Yi jung alias kim bum juga banyak porsi ceritanya sehingga woo bin jadi sedikit porsi ceritanya. menurutku versi ini lebih menitik beratkan "Love" sehingga sisi "friendship" dari F4 kurang begitu kuat.

Versi jepang, menyangkup semuanya love dan friendship serta kepedulian seorang kakak pada adiknya. Tapi memang pemerannya menurut banyak orang kurang ganteng. Tapi banyak orang juga bilang dari segi cerita, versi jepang lebih bagus dari versi lainnya. Aku juga sependapat, karna porsi cerita tiap pemain pas. Selain itu domyouji Tsukasa ( Goon joon pyo) juga lebih ganas di versi ini. Di versi jepang, kalau Tsukasa lagi marah siapapun orang didekatnya pasti langsung dihajar engga peduli itu cewek apa cowok setelah ketemu sama Makino Tsukushi ( jan di) lama - lama kebiasaan Tsukasa berubah. Di versi japan unsur frienship F4 kuat banget, apalagi di hana yori dango 2. bener- bener mencerminkan persahabatan yang udah dijalin dari kecil bukan persahabatan yang dijalin karna kekayaan mereka. Selain itu, perjuagan cinta Tsukasa dan Tsukishi bener2 keliatan banget. gimana mereka jatuh bangunnya mempertahankan percintaan mereka.. selain itu juga diceritaan kenapa mimasaka Akira ( wo bin) suka sama wanita lebih tua.

aniki(kakakku) sampai2 juga suka sama Hana yori dango.my bro bilang klu versi jepang, ceritanya lebih bagus. temenku ( cowok) juga langsung suka waktu tak kasih Hana Yori Dango. sekarang malah dia penggemarnya Makino Tsukushi....

Maaf sebelumny, Tapi dari Ke-3 versi ini memang aku Paling paling paling suka sama versi jepang.

Minggu, 12 September 2010

happy birthday to me

wah...sekarang aku tambah tua..

thanks semuanya yang udah ngucapin Happy Birthday ke aku...

di ulang taun ku yang ke - 17 ini semoga apa yang aku cita-citakan tercapai..(amin).......

Rabu, 08 September 2010

Nightmare on the Bus...

It made me so afraid when I had it. It happened after I got Window shopping with my friends. I had to go home as fast as I can because it almost night.  I went home by bus. I sat down next to woman. I prefer  woman because  I thought that It would safe. Suddenly the woman  got off from the bus. And now, noone was next to me. I felt like usual I didn’t think something bad would happen. But there was a man sat down next to me.  I didn’t  pay attention to the man.  Something that made me surprised was the man introduce hisself.  He confessed that his name is A****. I just looked him from up to down.  I thought  that why did this guy invite to introduce each other? Who was he? I begun to think that he probably was a bad man. Because  nowdays, there were some bad man who hypnotic the victim to get a money. And then I said “ I’m w*****”( I said without look his eyes). He asked “ why did u come back in this time ? you are a student right?” ( I still used my uniform) “I have a course” I lied because I still thought that he was bad man. “ you know, you looked beautiful.” He said to me. Do you know what did I do after I hear it?? Nothing!!!  Do you know what??? I hate old man say that I’m beauty because I’m afraid with  flirty’s old man.   So scary.... if the one who says I’m beauty is teen’s boy like me, of course I’m so happy ....But he is reallyyyy OLD man. After he said that. He sat closer to me but I kept distance to him.  Do u know what? I alway pray in the way of my home. “ God please make he dissapear . god please make him stay away from me. God please..” I said inside my heart. I always pray and pray and also tried to stay away from him. He begun ask me that if I had a boyfriend or not, if he could come to my house or not, whether I had a cellphone or not . I answered that I had boyfriend (in fact I’mnot), he couldn’t go to my home because my father  was scary (It’s not true) , and I had not cell phone because my parent didn’t permitt me to use cell phone ( it’s really lie). But do youknow what? He didn’t believe what I said. I thought that he really was clever.

                And he begun told about hislife, about why he didn’t marry yet.  I answered in my heart “ of course, you don’t marry yet. All women will not comfortable with you  because you are so flirty...”...when he told about his job , I just smiled and back looked the tress in the road.  He begun appeal to me. And moved closer. I felt so afraid. And  I really want to stopped the bus in order to avoid this man. But I still had been stand. I almost cried but I tried to be strong.  And lucky he had down from the bus.  And I felt so relieved.  After it I cried in the bus because I felt so afraid.  The conductor of bus looked at me. He asked “ why are you  crying? Are you broken heart? If you are broken heart, you have to get off  from the bus because  you don’t  allow in the bus forever.”  He smiled. I said in my mind , “ what ?????!!!!! broken heart????? For godness sake?????what do I have to feel broken heart??? I don’t have boy friend...”

I couldn’t  say what something had been happened to me to the conductor. So I just cried and get off from the bus. And I went to home as fast as I could. I told what happened  to my mom and my grand ma. They looked so worry after heard it. And they advised me not to come home late. If I wanted to come home late, I should tell my father to pick me up.  After this accident, I ‘m afraid come home late.... because I’m afraid that I can meet that old man again.... How scary..!!!!!

After read this,  I advise you to be carrefull in every situation because you don’t know what will happen to you....

If there are some word that is false. I'm sorry. I am learning english


Sebentar lagi lebara....!!!Semuanya selamat hari raya Idul Fitri...

Mohon Maaf Lahir BAtin ya......

lebaran omedeto...

Happy Lebaran Day....^O^

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Indonesia Independence day

Today is our Independence. I hope Indonesia will better than now.  We have to remember what Bhineka Tunggal Eka means. karena kalau kita engga ingat kita bisa bercerai berai

Ingat pepatah Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita runtuh...

Indonesia GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010


Oh my god!!!

in third grade of senior high school, I have to study hard to pass national's exan and entire university. The first time I felt bored to study. but I don't why. Nowdays, I am very enjoying every subject in school. I like to learn something

I like study math and physic. I enjoy with integral in math...

But I try to like chemical because I don't why I don't understand chemical easily for the teory.

I like chemical count problems...

But I don't want to give up with the chemical because I really want to have great score....

I want to entite good university and get scholarship..hehehhe

God please make my dream comes true

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

download drama Korea, Jepang

Kalau kalian mau download film atau Drama Jepang atau Korea pastinya bingung mau download kemana. Ujung2 nya pasti di Youtube. Kalau Dwnload di You Tube Videonya dipotong + ribet. nah bagi yang mau download Ini website. Coba aja ke website ini www.epdrama.com 

kalau mau download substitlenya di http://fansub.d-addicts.com/Querbeet 
klu mau tanya lebih lanjut contact me ok
tulis comment aja 

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

bagi kmu-kamu yang pngen ke nerusin ke luar negeri coba deh langganan ke Link ini
nanti kamu bakal dikirimin info-info beasiswa
informasi beasiswa belajar
info beasiswa belajar
informasi beasiswa belajar
info beasiswa belajar

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

kelas 3 !!!!!!

Oh my god!!!! Now , I'm in third grade...
I feel so unexcited
because I have to benkyou shimasu ( study)
I have to try so hard
in order can graduate and entry a good university..!!!!!!!

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Atashinchi no danshi

by the way, this dorama is very unique
why???because the first time I saw this dorama, I think the story was strange but after I watched it......in fact, It had good story
I like horikita maki, I saw her acting in Hanakimi, Nobuta wo produce, atashinchi no danshi ,Tokujou kabachi...
she was good in acting and also cute....!!!

maybe I feel envy with her (hehehehhe)

the story is horikita has to pay his father's debt. suddenly, there is oldman who help her to pay it. but she has to marry with him. After his housband died. In fact, his husband have 6 sons. he adopted them. horikita has to be good mom for them. she has to unite them because they don't believe about what family is.


abis liat bang kame di kami no shizuku...
aku baru nyadar kalau bang kame keren juga...
dulu waktu liat yamato ma gokusen 2, aku belum nyadar klu bang kame sekeren itu(hahhaha)
sekarang baru tau alasan cewek2 suka sama bang kame (hehehe)
bang kame ma jin emang sama2 keren !!!!!


the story is very interesting because tell about wine..You can know more about wine after watch this dorama(drama). you also understand that wine is not just for drink but wine have meant...
u have to watch it !!!!!!
the cast are
Kamenashi Kazuya as Kanzaki Shizuku
Tanabe Seiichi as Tomine Issei
Naka Riisa as Shinohara Miyabi
Toda Naho as Kiryu Ryoko
Masu Takeshi as Kawarage
Taguchi Hiromasa as Honma Chosuke
Sasaki Nozomi as Sara
Hirakata Genki (平方元基) as Kido Ryusuke
Hagi Mika as Minamoto Saori
Uchida Yuki as Saionji Maki
Tatsumi Takuro as Fujieda Shiro
Takenaka Naoto as Doi Robert
Furuya Ikko as Kanzaki Yutaka

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Gokusen 1 !!!!!

Gokusen is drama that tell about school's life....
the school's name is shirokin, all the students is otoko (in english means boys)
there is classroom that have all the student are naughty
the class is class3- D
and then there is woman's teacher who changes all the student be good boys...
the story are interesting and funny....
so u must watch it.....

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

broken heart...!!!!

The way that I think u opened ur heart to me..
I feel so happy..
but Now , U did something that made feel so sick in my heart
I'm sick of u......!!!!!!
I don't know how to say.....!!!!!
but still confused about u,,,,,

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

remember this!!!!!

engga semua cowok berkacamata aku suka...

cowok berkacamata kayak wima (J-rock), Ikuta toma yang aku suka....

jadi engga mesti aku suka cowok yang suka pakek kacamata....

aku juga suka ngeliat pemeran mei-chan..
kacamatanya bagus....(hahahahahaha)

Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

man with galassesssss

I don't know why...
I like man who uses megane alias kacamata.....
I think that he is smart
I know not every man who uses glasses is smart

I like wima (J-rock) so much because he is so cute with his glasses....
doesn't u?..
like the picture.....
I like him so much.....
and now I love him more because he uses glasses

ya ampun ....!!!!
habis nonton hanakimi
aq jadi jatuh cinta (lagi) ma ikuta toma

ikuta toma!!!!!
kakoi........(bener engga sie)...
kimi wa hansamu na otoko desu.......!!!!!

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010


I like u so much....
I like ursong......
It's so cool......

I hope I can see u...(maybe)
I really be ur fans....

Nino...you're so cute....


it's time to fun.....

thnx god
you gave me power when I had test

I think that I can do the best...

Jumat, 30 April 2010


I'm a girl
of course. everybody knows that
I still confused with the way man's thinking
why a girl can't understand it.
I know, it's so difficult to really understan what somebody want
but I want to do understand about it....
how I can do that..
I don't know.....
I hope I can understand it time by time....

my favorite

that is expression that I want to feel again. happy....yes! the expression of happiness.
I took that picture in pacitan east java. that is beautiful beach......
but not all people know that......

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

life is complicated
we can't know what happen in the future
we just do the best
but sometimes we will feel upset
and give up.....

so what should we do if it happen?
my suggestion is don't command suited
that the worst
the first, tell to your best friend or someone who you believe it more
second, think that everyone ever have bad experience like you
don'l look down your self
think that you have second chance
the last, trust and pray god. God won't give you big problem if you aren't strong
so positive thinking, and think what should you do in the future don't always look back in the past. you should look ur past just once

human must have purpose to live
so make some purposes
it'll make u try to do the best for ur purpose
if human doesn't have purpose, so what does human live for????

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010


saatnya liburan.....
tapi buat yang ujian nasional pasti lagi mempersiapkan diri ......

buat yang ngadepin ujian nasional......!!!!!
semoga bisa lulus yah........

lagi suka sama filmnya kame....!!!!
sapa yang punya yamada nadeshiko shichi henge episod 6 7...(minta...))
dan bagi yang puna subtitle otomen 9-11(minta jg yah...!!)susah nyari subnya....

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010


kenapa sih ini semua jadi membingungkan.....
kenapa aku harus kejepit diantara u dan dia...
kenapa aku engga bisa milih yang aku suka gara-gara U.....
kenapa semuanya di pihakmu.....

mungkin aku enggak akan bisa memilih dia karna ada U.....
mungkin aku engga bisa menerimanya karna U......
kenapa aku mengatakan hal salah untuk menghentikan U....
sekarang semua berbalik ke diriku....

Why everything become complicated
why I must between YOU and He
Why I can't choose what I like because of U
Why everything in your side

Maybe I can't choose He because There is U
Maybe I can't accept He because U
Why I said sometging wrong to stop U...
Now, everything back to me....

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

do something but you make me dissapointed

why I must do to make close with u...
I'll try to make close with u
I'll try to be dare
but what you have done to me....
you still thik that I'm not in there
and you just think that I am like other girls that you know....
I want to make you know that I fall in love with you
but You NEVER realize that....
you know. this is the second step to be close with you
I'm tired
I don't have hope about you.....
I will try to forget you
if you want to back to me
I'm sorry I can't
cuz you NEVER choose me....