Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018

Women, Teenager and Body Goals !!!!

Every woman wants to have a body likes a model.  Every woman will do everything to make it true, such as manage diet and work out. Unfortunately, after a few months manage diet and work out, then they do not see the progress, they will give up and do not continue to manage diet and diet. I have a question in my head, what makes women want to have a perfect body likes a model? Why women who overweight have less confidence than the skinny?
It's because of stigmatization in overweight women. When Stigmatization on overweight women appeared. According to Stunkard, LaFleur, and Wadden (1998), obesity was stigmatized in both Buddist and Christian cultures, but it had different reasons. In the Buddist culture, stigma was connected with karma. In Christian culture, stigma was based on the Christian deadly sin of gluttony.
It is not only about the stigma but overweight women also being teased, bullied and lack of personal attractiveness. It makes women struggle against fat to suit the environment. Women tried the best they can to weight loss process. It also happened in teenager girls. They obsessed with slim fit body. They use unhealthy methods to lose their weight, such as skipping meals, intense exercises and an unbalanced diet. It can have an effect in psychological development on teenagers. They will need peer support, counseling and healthy method guidelines to loses weight (Su, Jou, & Tsa, 2014).
The appearance is important, it is not only what the teenagers think, but it also what older women think. According to Clarke (2002), older womens perception of ideal body weights is about a good appearance. Their perception is constrained by social values and attractiveness. Although they want to be healthy, the motivation for losing weight is appearance.
Weight and Body goals are one of important thing that not only girls but also women. Weight loss does not affect in physic but also in psychologic. If you want to weight loss and feel frustrated and stressed, try to look for a peer support and counseling to handle psychologic problems because of weight loss methods.

Stunkard, A.J., LaFleur, W.R., & Wadden, T.A. (1998). Review Stigmatization of Obesity in medieval times: Asia and Europe. International Journal of Obesity 22: 1141-1144.
Su, M., Jou, H., & Tsao, L. (2014). The Struggle Against Fat: Weight Loss Experiences of Overweight Adolescent Girls in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing Research 22 (1): 28-36.

Clarke, L.H. (2002). Older women's perceptions of ideal body weights: the tensions between health and appearance motivations for weight loss. Ageing and Society, 22, pp 751-773 doi:10.1017/S0144686X02008905

Selasa, 11 September 2018

Aloe Vera, Lidah Buaya dan Fungsinya !!!!!

Aloe vera atau nama lainnya A. barbadensis Mill adalah tumbuhan yang digunakan untuk mengobati iritasi pada kulit seperti tergigit binatang, terbakar, psoriasis, luka, dan dermatitis karna radiasi. Aloe vera dalam bentuk juice biasnya digunakan untuk tonik yang berfungsi meningkatkan system imun dan mengobati konstipasi. Aloe vera juga dapat digunakan sebaga anti bakteri, anti kanker dan antibiotik.  Aloe vera sering digunakan untuk mengobati bagian luar tubuh, bukti penelitian masih terbatas  untuk penggunaan secara internal, penggunaan secara internal (diminum atau dimakan ) dalam  dosis tinggi dan dalam jangka waktu yang panjang dapat berisiko terjadi peradangan pada ginjal (Edwards, Rocha, Williamson, & Heinrich, 2015).

Meskipun penggunaan jangka panjang tidak disarankan, tetapi aloe vera memiliki banyak kandungan vitamin, seperti vitamin A, C dan E. Aloe vera juga dapat berfungsu untuk menstimulasi fibroblasts yang dapat menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung. Aloe vera dapat menstimulasi system imun untuk menghadirkan beberapa enzim, aloe vera memiliki agen anti inflamatori yang kuat, analgetik dan mampu mempercepat pertumbuhan sel dan memabantu memperbaiki jaringan yang rusak karna artitis.Aloe vera dapat membatu tubuh untuk menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri dari kanker dan menyembuhkan efek samping dari kemoterapi yang merusak sel imun yang sehat. Fungsi aloe vera pada diabetes adalah mengontrol gula darah, menstimulasi produksi antioksidan dan menurunkan kolesterol (Nazir, & Ahsan, 2017).

Aloe vera tidak hanya menurunakn kolesterol tetapi juga dapat digunakan untuk skin care. Aloe vera dapat melembabkan kulit, sebagai humidifier dan cleanser. Aloe vera juga dapat membuat kulit lebih haslis, menghilangkan kerutan dan menyembuhkan jerawat, herpes, bitnik merah, psoriasis, eczema, mycosis, iritasi kulit dan memberikan perlindungan dari polusis serta dapat menghilangkan dan memperbaiki kulit dan sel yang mati. Fungsi lainnya sebagai antiviral dan anti tumor, aloe vera memfasilitasi untuk menstimulasi system imun dalam melindungi tubuh melawan virus dan tumor (Manvitha, & Bidya, 2014).

Edwards, S. E., Rocha, I. C., Williamson, E.M., & Heinrich, M. (2015). Phytopharmacy an Evidence-Based Guide to Herbal Medicinal Products. India: Laserwords Private Limited. https://books.google.co.id/books?hl=id&lr=&id=KGu5BgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA24&dq=aloe+vera+juice&ots=Z6zBJrOESV&sig=pE8eHrejqjzV8KQhjXmT1UhJuyg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=aloe%20vera%20juice&f=false
Nazir, A. & Ahsan, H. (2017). Health benefits of Aloe Vera: A Wonder Plant. International Journal of Chemical Studies 5 (6): 967-969. http://www.chemijournal.com/archives/2017/vol5issue6/PartN/5-6-90-652.pdf

Manvitha, K. & Bidya, B. (2014). Aloe vera: a wonder plant its history, cultivation and medicinal uses. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2 (5): 85-88. ISSN 2278-4136. http://naturalingredient.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/19.1.pdf

Kamis, 06 September 2018

Stress dan Makanan Penurun Stress

Setiap orang pasti merasakan stress setiap hari. Banyak faktor penyebab stress, dari rumah, kerjaan, sekolah, pacar, teman, tugas, kuliah. Pernahkah kalian berpikir dan menanyakan pada diri kalian, kenapa kita harus merasa stress? Apa sih untungnya stress? Karna pada saat stress yang kita rasakan adalah pusing, sedih, tidak bersemangat dan marah dengan keadaa yang ada, bahkan itu mengangu kita. Tapi sebenernya stress memiliki fungsi sebagai respon tubuh. Jadi stress adalah salah satu respon tubuh ketika kita merasa dalam bahaya, proses ini disebut flight-or-fight, dengan adanya proses ini, tubuh kita akan menyiapkan diri dengan perubahan sekitar dan lebih sensitif. Setiap orang memiliki respon yang berbeda pada saat merasa stress, ada yang ingin makan terus, ada yang tidak nafsu makan, ada yang makan-makanan junk food dan tidak sehat, misalnya yang mengandung banyak gula, ada yang marah-marah, ada yang mudah tersinggung, ada yang tidak bias tidur, merokok, minum alcohol dan makan berlebihan. Semua respon menghadapi stress, tergantung pengalaman hidup yang selama ini dia alami dan mekanisme koping masing-masing orang. Misalnya, ada yang ketika stress, nafsu makan bertambah dan terus ngemil, karna merasa dengan makan-makanan yang banyak bisa merasa senang dan melupakan masalahnya. Ternyata selain itu, hormon yang dikeluarkan tubuh pada saat stress bisa menurunkan sistem immune sehingga di musim hujan, orang yang stress akan mudah terkena flu. Tubuh kita secara psikologis juga akan merespon stress, organ tubuh yang merespon selain system imun antara lain gastrointestinal (pencernaan ) dan kardiovaskular (jantung). kemudian bagaimana menangani stress? Ada beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan, tergantung kesukaan masing-masing orang, ada yang suka mendengarkan musik, meditasi, olah raga dan makanan. Makanan apa saja yang bisa membantu menangani stress, makanan yang mengandung B1, B3, B5, B12, vitamin C. Makanan yang mengandung B1 (thiamine) apabila diproses dalam tubuh dapat menurunkan respon hormone kortisol, hormone kortisol yang berperan penting dalam terjadinya stress. Makanan yang mengandung B3 (niacinamide) dapat membantu meningkatkan kuantitas (jumlah) dan kualitas tidur, vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) dapat membantu mengontrol hormone kortisol (Head & Kelly, 2009). Jadi ketika stress untuk membantu menangani stress bisa mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung vitamin yang tadi dijelaskan, tetapi dalam jumlah yang sewajarnya, karena sesuatu yang berlebih itu pastinya juga tidak baik.. keep healthy…

Head, K.A., & Kelly, G.S. (2009). Nutrients and Botanicals for Treatment of Stress: Adrenal Fatigue, Neurotransmitter, Imbalance, Anxiety, and Restless Sleep. Alternative Medicine Review 14 (2): 114-140. http://archive.foundationalmedicinereview.com/publications/14/2/114.pdf

Rabu, 05 September 2018

Psychiatric Nurse Journey

A psychiatric nurse, I do not have any idea what a psychiatric nurse is. I really interested to learn about mental health. But I worried that I could not help my patient. After I have learned about mental health since last year, I knew about a lot of things and everything which I learned, this experience had touched in my heart. I had learned that we can not look down every one problem. Sometimes we think their problem is simple, but for another people, it is difficult. I had learned to understand another feeling and how to help them to resolve their problem. As a psychiatric nurse, we should listen to other people with our heart. Because using it, it will help us to understand their problem. I have known to be a psychiatric nurse does not as simple as I thought. If it might be difficult, I will not give up easily. I really want to learn more. For all of the psychiatric nurses around the world, You are like an angel and you are cool…..

Selasa, 04 September 2018

Stress and How to Handle it With DIET

Everyone always feels stress every day. There are a lot of causes of it. Sometimes we asked ourselves, why we have to feel stressed, because when we feel stress, we feel a headache, feeling down and angry with the condition and it disturbs us so much. But as you know, stress is one of the responses when we feel in danger, it called fight-or-flight. It warns us and alerts about surrounding. everyone has a different mechanism to handle it. It depends on their coping mechanism and their experiences handling stress. If people can not handle their stress well, it will be serious. Stress also influences the immune mechanism. There is stress hormone that can reduce the immune system. It will be worse when stress-associated behaviors appeared on them. They are overeating, eating unhealthful foods, skipped meals, fatigue, drink alcohol to manage stress, smoke to handle stress, lying awake at night, feeling anger or irritability. Because of that,  people who under stress, sometimes they get sick faster than people who do not feel stress. Stress may cause anxiety, sleep disorders and significant physiological problems, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and immunological. There are a lot of ways to reduce stress, such as music, exercise, meditation, and a good diet. A diet that good to help reduce stress is a meal which contains thiamine (vitamin B1), niacinamide (vitamin B3), pantethine /pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), methylcobalamin ( vitamin B12), ascorbic acid (vitamin c). Thiamin (Vitamin B1) can decrease stress-induced cortisol response, niacinamide (vitamin B3) can improve sleep quantity and quality, methylcobalamin (vitamin B12) can improve sleep and normalizing cortisol peak (Head & Kelly, 2009).


Head, K.A., & Kelly, G.S. (2009). Nutrients and Botanicals for Treatment of Stress: Adrenal Fatigue, Neurotransmitter, Imbalance, Anxiety, and Restless Sleep. Alternative Medicine Review 14 (2): 114-140. http://archive.foundationalmedicinereview.com/publications/14/2/114.pdf

Senin, 02 Juli 2018


Finally, I graduated from health school and now I'm a nurse. I learned a lot of things. What do you think about a nurse? is it good? or not? in my view, to be a nurse is difficult and hard. why?? do you know? because I have to be patient, wise and smile at every moment. although it is hard, I really enjoyed. I can meet a lot of people and talk. I also can learn a lot of things from them, such as their culture, life, and experience. Now, I want to be a professional nurse in mental health. I have studied since last year in a master program of mental health nurse. I really interested in mental health issue, there are a lot of people tried so hard to handle their problem and some of physical problem happen because of their mental problem.. as you know, life is more complicated nowadays and a lot of people feel depressed and I really want to help them.. from now, I will write about mental health issues and try to help people to understand what mental health is... let learn together and share and also discuss mental health issue...