Kamis, 13 September 2012

Recap rich man poor woman (recommended)

         long time no see, I would like to recap this drama, because I really like this drama so much, this drama is on going now, so I crazy to wait the last drama. if you are programmer, you should watch this . because there are some software that is so awesome and we have never thought before. this drama is tell about a boy who's name is toru hyuga, he is genius but anti-social, he can't comunicate with another people well, he has good friend who's name is asahina, he isn't as genius as hyuga but he is good in comunicate with another, they look for some worker and they meet natsui makoto, when she apply to hyuga and asahina's company , natsui use another identity, sawaki chihiro. why does natsui change her name?? I wouldn't tell you :D then asahina's sister,yoko back to japan and fall in love with hyuga, but she is a little bit sad because hyuga can't rember her name. as you know, hyuga just remember 2 names, asahina and sawaki chihiro, who is sawaki chihiro?? hyuga always look for woman whose name is sawaki chihiro, so hyuga decided to make personal file. but asahina think that it  will be cause problem. after take this project, hyuga and asahina always have different opinions. finally, Asahina  take hyuga company and fired hyuga, hyuga is so desperated and natsui  accompany hyuga make new company. hyuga create awesome program in his new company, he use 3d scanning. when hyuga is with natsui, hyuga can comunicate with another, can remember people name, become nice guy, can control his anger but suddenly, natsui left hyuga behind.... what happen nextt???

Foto: Thanks to our new Translator 卓映萱 for translating staff blogs into Chinese and ALSO London Cabalu translating to English! 

It's really helping us a lot, since we just need to sorting the words before posting it on wall, Please always continue to support us~ XD

P.S If you want to share it, please credit this page as well, appreciate our admin hard work, thanks!!
Natsui with hyuga in past company

Foto: 第8話、劇中の送別会スライドショーが配信中!

先日放送された第8話の、日向(小栗旬)の送別会シーンで流された「NEXT INNOVATION」の歴史を紹介したスライドショーがスペシャル動画として配信中です!

2004年、日向と朝比奈(井浦新)のふたりが学生会館の一室から始めた「NEXT INNOVATION」が、次第に社員を増やしどんどん事業を拡大していく過程が描かれています。楽しげに笑う日向と朝比奈を見ると、思わず切ない気分になったりもしますが・・・。オンエアでは確認できなかったスペシャルな映像もありますので、ぜひご覧ください。

source official site
Asahina and hyuga when build their company

hyuga and team in new company
hyuga new company : "wonder wall"

Hyuga and yoko

Foto: Episode 10 Written Preview : 


「WONDER WALL」に戻った日向は、夏井真琴(石原さとみ)の思いっきりの笑顔で迎えられるが、直後に「NEXT INNOVATION」に強制捜査が入り、上場廃止や倒産の可能性もあると聞き心を痛める。しかしそれでも、新会社を軌道に乗せるため、地道な営業を含めた仕事に邁進する。真琴は、それを身近で支えるうち、社長として人間としてどんどん成長していく日向を、どこか寂しく感じるようになる。

そんな折、日向は山上芳行(佐野史郎)から「NEXT INNOVATION」に戻ってほしいと頭を下げられる。日向は、自分には守りたいものがほかにある、と伝えるが・・・。



source official site
romance scene hyuga and natsui
source    download here   english subtitle

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012


mau duit lewat blok yuk klik this , jadi sistem dari link ini adalah "paid backlink " . sistem ini adalah layanan internet yang menawarkan komisi untuk setiap link yang dipasang di web atau blog. dari setiap link tersebut kamu akan menerima bayaran setiap bulannya. untuk mengambil bayarannya daftar pay pall dulu yah.. soalnya dengan pay pall uangnya bisa diambil..

 want to make money?? come to clik this  .this link's system is "paid backlink" this system is offer commision for every link that is set in your web/blog.  from that links, you will get paid every month. but you must have pay pall account first.

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

vitamin C or B if you get sprue

sprue... when you get that you think that you need some vit C... in fact you need some vit B.. so when you get sprue.. consume more vit B,,like meat, egg etc.. but don't too much to consume vit b okay.... so what is the sign if our body need some vit c?? when our body need vit c, the sign is our gums will bleed and bleeding under kortek skin.. :) and do you know what?? vit C can't stand in hot condition.. don't boil some food that contain with vit c.. and when you want to make a glass hot orange/ ice orange.. put in sugar first and then hot water,, stir it, wait a second , put in the orange.. :) keep health and consume health food :) sebenernya sariawan itu kekurangan vit c atau vit b ya?? ternyata sariawan itu tanda kekurangan vit b.. bukan vit c.. jadi konsumsi vitamin b seperti daging dan kuning telur.. tapi jangan terlalu banyak yah.. :) jadi apa sih tanda tubuh kita kekurangan vitamin c ??? jadi tandanya adalah perdarahan pada gusi dan perdarahan kapiler di bawah kulit.... :) dan asalkan kamu tau.. vitamin c engga kuat di keadaan yang panas.. jadi kalau buat es jeruk jangan dikasih air anget yah.. mending gula dilarutin dulu setela itu baru tuangin jeruknya :) jaga kesehatan dan jangan lupa konsumsi makanan sehat :)


Hi, now I'll give you information about hypertension. so, what is hypertension? hypertension is condition that sistole and diastole is high. when you have hypertension please reduce to consume salt and baking soda ( in biscuit and cake ). why??? because salt contain natrium.. natrium can make your heart contraction so fast. in fact, your blood pressure is high. if heart contraction so fast, it would make blood pressure higher. so please watch out about consume salt and baking soda .... you can consume it but not too much.. because natrium is needed too in our body.. if you have hypertension, please don't be stress.. if you are in stress, take some rest first.. because it would make your blodd pressure higher... people who has hypertension also reduce to consume cheesee , margarine, chocholate, soft drink and alkohol.. :) so.. keep health everyone :) and always consume health food.. long life and healthy :) hai hai lama tak jumpa...... aku bakal kasih info buat penderita hipertensi... jadi apa sih hipertensi??? hipertensi itu keadaan dimana diastole and sistole tinggi... ketika kamu punya penyakit hipertensi... tolong dikurangi makan garam dan baking soda dalam roti biskuit.. karna didalamnya terdapat natrium.. natriun didalam tubuh dapat memacu kontraksi jantung.. kalau jantung berkontraksi otomatis tekanan darah akan naik... so tolong kurangi ya.. boleh kok konsumsi garam sama roti dan biskuit yang mengandung baking soda, karna natrium juga dibutuhin tapi sedikit ya konsumsinya.. oh ya kalau bisa hindari stress,,, kalau udah stress mending istirahat aja... :) kurangi makan keju, margarin , soft drink dan margarin juga yah.. tetap sehat dengan konsumsi makanan yang benar :)

Minggu, 15 April 2012

does carrot contain Vitamin A or carotene? wortel itu mengandung vitamin A atau karotin?

in fact, carrot contain carotene not vit A. but in our body carotene is changed by our liver. so if you eat too many vegetables that contain carotene it would make your liver work hard, how poor your liver is. so eat the vegetables balance with the fruit meat and milk...
note :be healthier and you will life long, more consume anti oxidant to prevent cancer.. :)
if you want to ask something..please leave commet
teman teman.... ternyata wortel, tomat itu bukan mengandung vitamin A tapi KAROTIN.. jadi ternyata salah ya anggapan kita.. karotin itu sama aja pro vitamin A.. jadi didalam tubuh, karotin diubah menjadi vitamin A oleh hati..kalau kita makan terlalu banyak sayuran yang mengandung karotin itu akan membuat hati kita bekerja keras, kasian kan hati kita,, jadi jangan mengkonsumsi karotin terlalu banyak yah.. :)
note : hiduplah sehat supaya tetap sehat dan panjang umur, banyak konsumsi anti oksidan untuk terhindar dari kanker..
mau tanya tanya, ayoo comment..:)

drink lemon/orange juice when you eat meat

if you read thet title you will ask, why? why we have to drink lemon/orange juice when we eat meat. because lemon/orange juice can help absorbtion in your digestion. the contain of lemon/orange juice can make the absorbtion of protein ( the nutrition of meat) faster. but if you drink ice tea, it would make the absorbtion slower because tea blocks the absorbtion of protein in your digestion. but it would be better if you drink water when eat meat..

bagi kamu kamu yang suka makan daging, misalnya steak, bakso dll, kalau makan daging minumnya es jeruk atau jus jeruk yah. kenapa??? karena kandungan gizi pada jeruk membantu mempercepat penyerapan protein di dalam tubuh kamu. kalau minumnya es teh, teh malah menghambat penyerapan protein. jadi protein yang harusnya tubuh kamu dapet malah engga dapet, lebih bagus lagi minumnya air putih...

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

zenkai girl

hai hai semua, salam kenal.. aku akan mereview sedikit soal drama, karna aku sudah mereview pakek bhs inggris.. sekarang mau mereview sedikit pakek bhs indonesia... ibni dorama mencerirakan tentang seorang cewek, bernama ayukawa wakaba yang sangat ambitious untuk menjadi org kaya, karna semasa kecilnya sangat miskin dan kekurangan, wakaba berhasil masuk ke universitas top di jepang dan menjadi lulusan terbaik di jurusan hukum. hal ini dikarenakan dia belajar sejak sd mengenai uu di jepang. saat dia mendaftar kerja di lembaga hukum, bossnya menerima menjadi pegawai dengan persyaratan wakaba mau menjadi babysitter hinata (anak boss wakaba). yang bikin kaget lagi, ternyata hinata sangat dewasa padahal dia masih sekolah di tk. jadi perbincangan hinata dan wakaba seperti perbincangan wanita dewasa. waktu di kereta, ada seseorang yang mencoba memegang pantat wakaba, wakaba berpikir kalau yang melakukannya adalah pria disebelahnya. pria yang dituduh wakaba ternyata salah satu orang tua murid di disekolah hinata, pria itu bernama yamada shota. nah dorama ini keren bgt... aku aja engga bisa nebak endingnya.. sumpah sampek episode 10 aku engga bisa nebak wakaba bakal sama shota atau teman sekantornya yang kaya raya... pokoknya harus nontn.. soalnya engga cuman tenang percintaa wakaba tapi juga tentang percintaan hinata dan piittttaroo (anaknya shota)


ohisashiburi.. long time I wasn't update my blog... because I'm so busy about my college.. now I want to retell about this drama that I have been watched. this drama is called zenkai girl. the main actor and actress are nishikado ryo as yamada shota and aragaki yui as ayukawa wakaba. wakaba is so ambitious and optimistic girl. she is want to be a rich woman. for make her dream come true, she study hard and now she is a lawyer that graduated from the best university of japan. she got the job to be an assistant for famous lawyer. but, suddenly herboss want she take over her daughter for 3 month if she want to get that job, her name is hinata. although hinata is in preschool, hinata is more mature than wakaba, it really make wakaba so surprised about hinata. firstly, wakaba will not take the job, but wakaba has a principle that she wouldn't give up easly and would do it until the end. so wakaba take a job as a babysistter and be a assistant lawyer. in train, there is someone who touch her ass, wakaba think that someone who trying do that is a man(yamada shota) who stand up next to her, so wakaba angry at that man. in preschool wakaba met that man again, and the man said sorry to her and told that his son school at hinata's school. because of it wakaba and shota more close and understanding each other, and without wakaba realized, hinata and shota begun change her self and life. so after wakaba know hinata and shota, is she would change her self ? that shota and wakaba will be in relationship although shota isn't rich man? that wakaba can take over hinata for 3 months? check this out by watch this drama, you cann't guess what happen next with this drama, because it is unpredictable... I was cryng when in episode 7, because its episode tell about wakaba's father who really nice and was tricked easly because he was realll nice... this is a good drama..let's watch it :)

Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

nosebleed (mimisan)

if we tired sometimes we would get nosebleed. as you know when you get nosebleed don't ever lift your head up, because the blood will come to your lung and close your respiratory. and can make death.. it better lead your head down, and give tissue or betel's leaf to your nose that is bloody. stand its position until the blood stops. if you feel tired with its potition , you better lay down in a bed. but when you sleep don't lift your head up. but it'snot recomended sleep when nose bleed. perhaps you think that nosebleed is usual happen and not have some risk. but if you don't
take care wisely it would cause death... hope this info benefit for you :)

Teman- teman kalau lagi mimisan jangan pernah memposisikan kepala dalam posisi mengengadah ke atas.. karna darah dalam hidung bisa masuk ke dalam saluran paru-paru dan bisa menyebabkan kematian karena saluran paru-paru terhalang oleh darah. kalau mimisan lebih baik posisikan kepala dengan posisi melihat kebawah, kemudian beri daun sirih atau tisu pada hidung yang berdarah, tetap pada posisi itu sampai darahnya berhenti. kalau merasa capek dalam posisi itu, lebih baik tiduran tapi kepala jangan dangak ya... mungkin kalian anggap mimisan itu hal sepele tapi sebenernya kalau salah dalam penangannya bisa mnyebabkan hal yang fatal yaitu kematian jadi buat temen2 harus lebih bijak ya .. :) semoga membantu