Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012


Hi, now I'll give you information about hypertension. so, what is hypertension? hypertension is condition that sistole and diastole is high. when you have hypertension please reduce to consume salt and baking soda ( in biscuit and cake ). why??? because salt contain natrium.. natrium can make your heart contraction so fast. in fact, your blood pressure is high. if heart contraction so fast, it would make blood pressure higher. so please watch out about consume salt and baking soda .... you can consume it but not too much.. because natrium is needed too in our body.. if you have hypertension, please don't be stress.. if you are in stress, take some rest first.. because it would make your blodd pressure higher... people who has hypertension also reduce to consume cheesee , margarine, chocholate, soft drink and alkohol.. :) so.. keep health everyone :) and always consume health food.. long life and healthy :) hai hai lama tak jumpa...... aku bakal kasih info buat penderita hipertensi... jadi apa sih hipertensi??? hipertensi itu keadaan dimana diastole and sistole tinggi... ketika kamu punya penyakit hipertensi... tolong dikurangi makan garam dan baking soda dalam roti biskuit.. karna didalamnya terdapat natrium.. natriun didalam tubuh dapat memacu kontraksi jantung.. kalau jantung berkontraksi otomatis tekanan darah akan naik... so tolong kurangi ya.. boleh kok konsumsi garam sama roti dan biskuit yang mengandung baking soda, karna natrium juga dibutuhin tapi sedikit ya konsumsinya.. oh ya kalau bisa hindari stress,,, kalau udah stress mending istirahat aja... :) kurangi makan keju, margarin , soft drink dan margarin juga yah.. tetap sehat dengan konsumsi makanan yang benar :)

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